

  • Telemedicine Service

    After 1 year of the pandemic, Rede D'or decided to restructure its telemedicine service for consultations.

    The telemedicine service brought losses to the company: People did not show up for appointments; Medical staff frustrated with receiving their consultation fees; The process also included a reception team to carry out the manual process of authorizing guides.

    In just 1 month of the project, we managed to:

    • Interaction response time via videoconference reduced from 356 to 180 milliseconds.
    • Data loading time reduced from 6 to 3 seconds on average.
    • Appointment scheduling time reduced from 7 minutes to 2 minutes and 39 seconds.
    • Reduction in the abstinence rate by almost 32%.

    Check the whole process:

  • .horcel project

    The aim of .horcel is to promote a set of design recommendations so that anyone can better understand how to develop digitally accessible content, tailored to the needs of individuals with ADHD, dyscalculia, and dysorthographia.

    This guide was created from the final project of the Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development course by the author at IFSP. Recommendations were extracted from professionals and academics in the field of digital accessibility and user experience. As a result, recommendations were selected that did not conflict or contradict WCAG 2.1, ensuring that the proposed guidelines do not harm other user groups.


  • Remote Work as a Necessity for People with Disabilities

    Access the research and its results

    The pandemic has impacted the workplace environment, leading Brazilian organizations to digitize during this period, forcing the majority of employees to work remotely and use current or new digital communication tools to meet their communication needs.

    The objective of the MBA thesis in Digital Business from the University of São Paulo is to analyze how remote work can be more inclusive than in-person work to enable the inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market, as well as to help with talent attraction and career development.

    Through a survey study, a questionnaire was developed with the support of professionals with disabilities and disseminated through social networks and online communities. The work showed that companies wishing to retain and attract talent with disabilities and avoid legal penalties need to invest in workplace inclusion, and remote work can be a way to offer accessibility and inclusion to employees with disabilities by providing autonomy and independence in an accessible environment.

    The results indicate that remote work is an important tool for the inclusion and retention of these professionals in the market, but the business mindset needs to change for inclusion to be effective, considering the abilities and competencies of individuals, not just their costs.

  • Awareness about ADHD

    Author and illustrator of a guide for educators and caregivers about ADHD , presented in Ceciliana Magazine and at the 19th National Congress of Scientific Initiation, awarded as the best work in the field of Humanities in the respective year.

    The guide was made available online, with some physical copies distributed for free in some public and private schools in Baixada Santista.

  • Female Empowerment through Technology Communities

    Volunteer organizer of Women in Technology in Baixada Santista and author of the article "Female Empowerment through Technological Communities " presented at the XV Women in Technology event promoted by the Brazilian Computing Society.

    This work aims to present the results of a survey and possible indicators of female empowerment extracted from technological communities focused on programming languages.

  • Extension Project: Girls in I.T.

    One of the authors of the article "Female Presence in I.T. Graduation Programs in Universities in Baixada Santista: Together in I.T. " presented at the XI Brazilian Congress of Scientific Initiation, published in the Ceciliana Magazine

    This research surveyed the number of students in the 3 main technology colleges in Baixada Santista, where only 12% identified as female, with 90% considering dropping out due to harassment episodes.

    This work led to the extension project at IFSP: Girls in I.T. which aims to spark interest among girls in public elementary education in the field of technology and exact sciences, as a commitment to the UN's Agenda 2030.